LocationNiagara Falls, NY | Duration45 minutes (approx.) | Reviews 34 Reviews | Per person View Price |
You will travel upstream into the Niagara Gorge while staying dry underneath a covered dome when the water is crashing in all around you.
Discover the Niagara Gorge's breathtaking natural landscape. Discover the historical significance of the river while experiencing the exhilaration of Devil's Hole's class 5 rapids and the size of the Whirlpool. You can take pictures of the event without getting wet thanks to the glass dome, so don't forget to bring your camera! Niagara Falls is not a stop on any of our itineraries. Our excursions travel upriver via the Class V Rapids at Devil's Hole, into the Niagara Gorge, and up to the Niagara Whirlpool. A section of Class VI rapids that are impassable and against the law to cross separates the Whirlpool and Niagara Falls.